Update: See the comments section for a very relevant point from Arduous that while those living outside of California can't actually vote on this piece of legislature in November we can sign the pledge now to raise awareness. So, even if you don't live in the great state of California (hey, I live in Michigan!) please sign your name and pass it on. There is strength in numbers!
Seriously, that's all it will take to sign a pledge from the Humane Society to help pass a proposal in California to stop the factory farming of animals. It's called Proposition 2 and the measure will have a direct impact on 20 million of California's farm animals -- and is expected to lead to a sea change in how farm animals are treated across the nation. And I know there are many west coast girls out there planning blogger meet-ups, processing prickly pears and working on green task forces, so sign it already, all the best things seem to start on the west coast and creep toward the rest of us! You've got the time while you're waiting for your polenta to cool off. So come on already, what are you waiting for?
I know many of us have read Omnivore's Dilemma which pretty much makes you swear off factory farmed anything, including corn, but for the most part the major grocery store chains, big discounters and warehouse clubs apparently didn't read this one and are still buying meat from farms that have downer cows, animal abuse and horrific living conditions. If you have more than a minute take another moment to sign the pledge to Open the Cage Door to end the battery cage living conditions of poultry. Better yet, take the Humane Society's challenge to make more humane food choices for the entire month of October.
So, thanks for taking a minute to read, now please take a minute to go sign. Get involved, it's only a mouse click away! I was serious when I said good things start on the west coast, if this bill passes in California it will set the standard for other states to follow and end the needless suffering of animals. Get on over there and sign already! What are you still doing here?
2 hours ago
They tried to pass this last year in AZ when I lived there. It didn't pass. It is sad how people don't take a bigger stand against this, but little by little people's opinions are turning for the better.
Jeanne R.
Signed while eating pancakes this morning. ; ) Thanks for the links.
Not to burst your bubble, but if you're not a Californian, there's really not much you can do with this one. I looked at the pledge, and the Humane Society is just asking you all to promise to do whatever to support Proposition 2 (not sure what they have in mind). BUT the good news is, that Prop 2 is leading 63%-24% in a recent Field Poll.
So perhaps, all non-Californians should write a letter to their state reps, asking for a measure similar to California's Proposition 2!!
GGN - I hope that just the awareness that this inhumane treatment does exist and we can ask our legistlature to pay attention to it is a step in the right direction.
Melinda - Thanks!! Hope the pancakes were AWESOME as usual!
Arduous - POP! Gee, thanks... JK, but I hope that raising the awareness (even if I can't vote in CA) will start something. So many people are just plain unaware that this goes on, but once you read about it and sign your name, you feel empowered.
Actually writing state legislature was a topic for another post I had planned for later. POP! ;o) I'm so glad to hear that it's leading the polls, again, I think things like this really do trickle eastward. Someone's got to start it all and all you Califonia-dreamin' girls really get stuff going!
EBM, good point about raising awareness. That's always the first step! :) You're totally right. If it raises awareness, signing a pledge is a meaningful action. :)
So funny, I was just thinking, but I am not a Cali voter, and then read Arduous' and your comments. EBM? Brings back fond nursing memories. And next on your campaign? How bout voting rights for those of us in the nation's capitol so we can have an impact on everything from animal rights to toxins in breast milk?! Great awareness raising post.
Arduous - Thank you, I think when you live somewhere - like Michigan - where issues like this never even make it to a blip on the radar, it feels good to sign my name to something, even if I can't vote. We are a frustrated green group, especially now with the automotive industry and economy hogging the entire spotlight.
MamaBird - I agree with you, why are we only allowed to vote on proposals they tell us we can? What if I want to vote to end factory farming or against seal hunting? Just because I don't live in Alaska doesn't mean I don't love seals or that I don't care about cows in California!!
Just signed the Pledge while eating leftover lima bean soup and I live in California! Thanks for your efforts.
Bobbi - Yay! Another Cali-girl! Thanks for signing!!
This is great. Thank you so much for posting the link!
I think most people just choose to ignore this issue. Usually people don't start an argument with me when I tell them I'm vegetarian because of factory farming. Ignorance is bliss.
Appreciate yoour blog post
Verry nice blog you have here
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