Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Wonders of Summer Camp

The oldest three eco 'burban boys spent the week at a camp not far from here. Swimming, pedal boat racing, mini-golfing, baseball playing and canteen dancing until the wee hours. Sounds like fun, right? For them, anyway. Now, I am left with one giant black contractor-sized garbage bag of yep - you guessed it - LAUNDRY. Smelly, dirty, covered in popsicle, syrup and chocolate - shirts, shorts, socks and rather rancid undy-grundies and a few pretty putrid bathing suits. My oldest boys are middle school aged, stinky and dirty, dirty boys. That bag of laundry? Very much, ummmm, ORGANIC!! :o)So, what's a green eco 'burban mom to do? Dump the whole thing out, sort by color, wash it all on cold and hang it out on a laundry rack, that's what. As part of Chile's challenge, I have pledged to start to end my dryer dependence. I've been washing in cold, using eco-friendly detergents for years, but I have been dipping my toe in the water with the rack drying. A few bathroom rugs here, car mats there, boat towels draped over the back of patio furniture over here. Tomorrow? Oh, we're going cold turkey sista! Nothing but the best rack dried, crunchy and wind cured shorts, t-shirts and undies for my boys. We'll see what they have to say... If they even notice!

Oh, and if you're wondering what I did with that big, black plastic bag? The eco 'burban dad grabbed that one up, saying - Hey! I can use this in the garage!
Doncha' just love it when everyone is on board with being green??


Joan said...

When my son returned from a week long camp, he had only worn 1 outfit. That was several years ago. My daughter went away this summer and did wear more. I get a lot of complaints from my children about sun/air dried clothes. They say they aren't soft like clothes dried in the dryer.

Joyce said...

LOL! The return from Boy Scout camp was much dreaded by this mom! Though mine always managed to lose half of their socks, and come home with someone else's underwear...

Green Bean said...

Yeah dad! I started line drying a little over a year ago. At first, I hated it - the process and the result. Stick with it though because I've become much more efficient, learned to hang clothes in a way that causes less, um, crunch, and our whole family has become more tolerant or maybe that is oblivious. Good luck! Sounds like you've got a lot of line drying ahead of you!

EcoBurban said...

joan - ONE outfit! Oh, yuck-a-rama.

joyce - I am pretty sure I am missing socks too! That's so funny. I should have about 18 pairs. I only see about 6.

GB - I am not looking forward to the time it will take me to hang up all the clothes. I do about 14 loads a week with all these kids and all the uniforms and such.

Chile - Cookies! Oh, crap, I forgot to make them! Maybe I will need to eat pancakes instead. Oh.. wait... I still don't have a recipe. :oP

EcoBurban said...


Taking forever to dry...

Need pancakes...

Feeling faint...

Ooops! There's that dead horse again! ;o)