About a month ago I joined a local food club and I have been slowly emptying my non-local reserves (into our bellies of course, I'm not throwing perfectly good food away!) and replacing them with all-local, organic and fair trade goods. Here's what's rockin' in my pantry:
- My beef, chicken, pork and eggs are all from certified organic local farms practicing all natural, free grazing methods.
- My coffee comes from the only source in Michigan roasting 100% organic, fair trade coffees - which they will deliver by bike, even in the winter - if you live in their area!
- My butter, cream and chocolate milk all come from a local dairy in reusable glass bottles.
- My maple syrup, peanut butter, bread, pancake mix, pickles, beans, popcorn, brownie mix and cinnamon rolls are all local, organic and completely high fructose corn syrup free!
- Veggies and fruits are trickling into the farmer's markets and starting this week I am off the California-grown produce and sticking with what is seasonably available - Barbara Kingsolver Style!
Hi Eco 'Burban,
I am your neck of the woods, A2, and I have a question about your butter source. I use Calder for milk, but the butter of theirs I purchase from the store is in a plastic tub. How is it delivered to your house? Thanks!
Yep, I use Calder for the butter too, but have to SMUSH it down in the tub, because when I get it, it's overflowing! I use LaVidaLocal for my food delivery. I think she would like a better source for dairy, but it's about our only option around Oakland County. I am not thrilled with the plastic tub, but I have been reusing them to store crayons and things of that sort. I was thinking they might make good freezer containers too...
That's awesome! Pancakes for dinner are still my favorite treat!! Too bad maple syrup isn't local to CA, or I would make some tonight!! :)
Pancakes for dinner sound about right to me! I'd have to go for the tempeh bacon though. (I'm learning how to make tempeh from local soybeans!)
Arduous! Aha!! I guess I finally have something yummy that is totally local to Michigan that doesn't have a California equivalent that kicks my maple-butt! You Cali-girls have all the veggie-luck, but I have the maple goodness! :o)
Debbie - you are right, sometimes pancakes are just about the best dinner EVER! 'least that's what the kids say!
Hey, Klj and Eco 'burban, I've learned to embrace the Calder's plastic tub...there are so many uses for it! I prefer to use glass for food storage, but plastic can come in pretty handy for gardening purposes, as well as kid-organizing, like Eco 'burban suggested with crayons. Perhaps you can use it to hold kitchen compost on its way out the door. Or to transfer seedlings into. Or poke a couple holes in it and try a vermicomposting project with your kids! Get some good worm castings! use the tub to make ice chunks for your coolers...use as a mold for sand castles...lol! ;)
Hey, LVL! I love the idea of using them to freeze ice chunks for the coolers this summer! I have one tub already washed and ready to freeze!
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